Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Yoga Vasishtha (in 4 volumes)

Yoga Vasistha (Sanskrit: योग-वासिष्ठ) (also known as Vasistha's Yoga) is a Hindu spiritual text traditionally attributed to Valmiki. It recounts a discourse of the sage Vasistha to a young Prince Rama, during a period when the latter is in a dejected state. The contents of Vasistha's teaching to Rama is associated with Advaita Vedanta, the illusory nature of the manifest world and the principle of non-duality.
The book has been dated between the 11th and 14th century AD) and is
generally regarded as one of the longest texts in Sanskrit (after the Mahabharata) and an important text of Yoga. The book consists of about 32,000 shlokas (lines), including numerous short stories and anecdotes used to help illustrate its content. In terms of Hindu mythology, the conversation in the Yoga Vasishta takes place chronologically before the Ramayana.

Other names of this text are Mahā-Rāmāyana, ārsha Rāmāyana, Vasiṣṭha Rāmāyana,Yogavasistha-Ramayana and Jnanavasistha.

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Panchadasi by Vidyaranya Swami, Sanskrit text with Hindi translation

Panchadasi is a text written by Swami Vidyaranya of Sringeri mutt. The uniqueness of this text is that, in each chapter, one Vedantic idea is taken up and explained in detail.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

gyan yoga swami vivekananda in hindi

Jnana Yoga (The yoga of knowledge) is a book of Swami Vivekananda based on a series of lectures on the topic delivered mainly in New York and London by Swami Vivekananda. These lectures were recorded by a professional stenographer J.J.Goodwin (who later became a disciple of Swami Vivekananda.

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Monday, July 7, 2014

Brahma Sutra Hindi

The Brahma sūtras (Sanskrit: ब्रह्म सूत्र), also known as the Vedānta Sūtras (वेदान्त सूत्र), are one of the three canonical texts of the Vedānta school of Hindu philosophy. The Brahma sūtra is an early exposition of the Vedanta-interpretation of the Upanishads. It is an attempt to systematise the various strands of the Upanishads which form the background of the orthodox systems of thought.

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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bijak Kabir Saheb with Hindi Tika

Bijak is the best known of the compilations of the compositions of Kabir, and as such is the holy scripture for followers of the Kabirpanthi religion. The Bijak is one of the earliest of the major texts in modern Hindi. The term Bijak is derived from Bija, meaning a document containing sacred texts.

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Encyclopaedia Britannica
Official website of Kabir Chaura Varanasi

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Kamba Ramayana in Hindi (2 Volumes)

Ramavataram, popularly referred to as Kamba Ramayanam, is a Tamil epic that was written by the Tamil poet Kamban during the 12th century. Based on Valmiki's Ramayana, the story describes the life of King Rama of Ayodhya.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Concordance Dictionary of Yoga Sutra

This book is an alphabetic index cum comprehensive dictionary of the techinical terms from Patanajali Yoga and Vyasa' commentary on it. In this dictionary, Dr. Bhagavan Das, an eminent Sanskrit scholar and philosopher who has authored more than 30 books, has given all possible meanings of the Sanskrit words in English based on his study of the vast literature on Yoga.

Yoga is one of the six major darsanas of ancient India. Patanjali Yoga Sutra is a foundational text of Yoga darsana. Patanjali expounds Yoga darsana in 4 chapters consisting of 196 sutras. Yoga as expounded by Patanjali is also known as "ashtangayoga" since there are 8 limbs to this yoga. Vyasa's Bhashya is the most popular commentary on Patanjali's Sutras.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Srimad Bhagavad Gita Rahasya - Bal Gangadhar Tilak - Hindi

This book is the Hindi translation of Lokmanya Balgangadhar Tilak's classic and well-known work Srimad Bhagavad Gita Rahasya.

Lokamanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, the author of this work, interprets Gita as the scripture of Karmayoga. Karmayoga is the performnce of one's duty without nurturing any desire for its fruits. According to Tilak Gita teaches selfless action as is said in Chatper 2, Verse 48:

योगस्थः कुरु कर्माणि संगं त्यक्त्वा धनन्जय।
सिध्यसिध्योः समो भूत्वा समत्वं योग उच्यते॥

yogasthah kuru karmaani sangam tyaktvaa dhananjaya
siddhyasiddhyoh samo bhuutvaa samatvam yoga ucyate

Remaining steadfast in yoga, oh Dhananjaya (Arjuna), perform actions, abandoning attachment, remaining the same to success and failure alike. This evenness of mind is called yoga.

This book consists of two parts. The first part is the philosophical exposition and the second part consists of the Gita, its translation and the commentary.